Monday, February 26, 2007

Dribbling Inanity of the Oscars

Is it just me, or does anybody else find the whole Oscars thing an exercise in mindlessness? Does anyone really care who made so and sos dress or what party this over-rated over-dressed "celebrity" is going to. I watched the BBC Breakfast News this morning and all I got was a breathless, awestruck interviewer wittering nonsense questions at Helen Mirren and some bloke who is apparently a producer of the winning film.

We are expected to want instant access to celebrities, who have some sort of cult status for being celebrities. This is news, not the war, not street crime, not even our drug-ridden schools.

I'm so glad that I live in the middle of nowhere, celebrity here means you played for the local football team, or you wrote a book. The media-driven world of reality tv and celebrity news features doesn't even demand that you have read a book! Too much living lives vicariously through the actions and non-actions of a selected bunch of pretty people. Presumably, every young girl will now want to do a Britney and shave their head.

I need to calm down, a walk in the bogs is called for. Codydog, lets get going.