Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The false dawn of a late Indian summer seems to have gone, today sees a strong westerly blowin' in, with a threat of rain very apparent. But who cares, if winter is heading our way I have a stack of wood already cut, a pile of books to plough thru and my girls to keep me company. Being a GOM and a dog bore means I can just witter on and nobody takes any notice (sounds like the story of my life). Coming into dark nights means those tourists will go away, take their crap with them and leave us in peace. It is very difficult to be welcoming when some of these people just dump their rubbish, drive cars onto fragile terrain and just basically abuse whatever they are confronted by. I'm an Italian tourist so I can drive into your driveway, park my car, go off for a walk. No fuckin way buster!

Cody dont like them either, she lets rip at cyclists, walkers, white vans and campers, go Code!

Been reading a revised biography of Alain-Fournier (of Le Grand Meaulnes), and you have to wonder at the nature of literary genius, this was a seemingly normal man, liked his ladies, played rugby, was a part of the literary set in Paris, yet out of his head comes storming this piece of magic, a tempestous journey through adolescence and the chase for love. Biographies never seem to get to grips with what makes a someone a great writer or musician or dancer or footballer, why are we not all like that, is it in them? learnt?

The second volume of Tim Robinson's Connemara trilogy is next on the pile, been looking forward to this for some time so hope it fulfils expectations.

Pegi (known most of the time as Pegi Lulu, because, well because she is a right Lulu) is having her arthritis injections at the moment, once a week, and she knows exactly where she is going when we drive in a certain direction. The tail goes down, the eyes go all mooney and you just know she is trying to tell you but I don't want a needle, don't take me in there, I don't want to, send Cody instead, why doesnt she have to have a needle. So she gets rewarded for being brave with a run on the beach, she adores the sea, chasing birds, tormenting the codester, shaking water all over me and the back of the car, then sleeping all the way home.

I'm gone.

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